Leadership Changes For 21st Century

There has been a tremendous amount of change in the area of leadership over the last twenty years.  We have moved from an industrial age to an information age to the present idea age. People in the industrial age were primarily paid for what they did.  In the information age Read more…

7 Traits Of Inspiring Leadership

Leaders by definition should be dealers in hope.  When the self doubt of the leader spills over into the organization the downward spiral can be devastating.  Having to deliver bad news is one thing but living in a reactionary negative world is another.  This post in Forbes will help: “You Read more…

The Power Of Listening To Resolve Conflict

Most of us are not very good listeners to begin with much less when conflict arises within the team.  We immediately start listening to respond instead of listening to understand.  If things get worse, then we will interrupt to try to transition the momentum back in our direction.  This HBR Read more…

The Chemistry Of Great Teams

I have probably learned more from Pat MacMillan on this subject than from any other writer.  His book The Performance Factor is still a must read if you want to fully understand all the dynamics involved in leading a successful team. When selecting team members you must have the right Read more…

Effective Leaders Value Their People

Leaders have always been evaluated based on the two extremes of the tasks that must be done compared to the relationship skills involved in motivating the people who will actually do the work.    The theory was some leaders are born project managers and others are great in customer service. In Read more…

When Management Becomes The Problem

I started working in a management culture that clearly defined expectations and the role of the manager was to make sure the people under them were not making any mistakes.  Every time someone did, a new rule or process improvement was developed to make sure that never happened again.  In Read more…

How To Change Organizational Culture

According to John Kotter there are many reasons change initiatives fail especially in large organizations.  The number one reason is there is not a clear sense of urgency for change that makes everyone willing to pay the short term price of pain due to change to gain the long term Read more…