Lipstick On A Pig

I am convinced that we will do almost anything to keep from having to change the real problem.  I see this in my own personal life and I see it in the workplace all the time. Instead of admitting something is not working and killing it we give it a Read more…

Customer Service At Home

We all enjoy the experience of some organization or person who goes the extra mile and delivers high quality personal service.  In a day when most companies either put you on a phone tree from hell or only allow contact through email it is really nice when another person is Read more…

How Much Is Enough

We are challenged at every level to make sure we are not wasting our time so we can get the right things done.  What we fail to see is that sometimes we set the bar too high and actually do too much and need to dial back our expectations for Read more…

9 C’s That Can Kill A Marriage

Tomorrow I celebrate my 45th wedding anniversary.  There is no leadership challenge that I have faced in corporate life that is as challenging as being the best husband I can be in my marriage.  I have found that when I am leading well at home, work is a piece of Read more…

How To Break Your Addiction To Work

At some point in time almost everyday we all want to know How am I doing?  The search for significance meets a very deep need that we all have to add value to others.   The workplace can give you that juice to the degree it becomes like an addiction Read more…

How To Become Your Spouse’s Best Friend

We all have this great concern today about the reality that we are all taking too much work home and crashing our family time.  The other side of the coin is that every day we take home to work and both areas demand the best of your leadership. Michael Hyatt Read more…

6 Tips For Better Work Life Balance

Work life balance is a tough subject for companies and employees.  No one wants to reduce productivity and on the other hand staying connected 24/7 is a prescription for disaster.  This Forbes post offers several practical tips that will help: “These days, work-life balance can seem like an impossible feat. Read more…