Moving Beyond Paycheck

As Christians we are to do everything as unto the Lord and not unto men.  That means we have far more than a job we have a calling. We tend to live segmented lives with separate time and devotion given to work, family, faith, friends and entertainment.  What comes with Read more…

Follow Up Or Fail

I cannot tell you how many people I have worked with over the years that are great at getting something started but totally ineffective in finishing the task with excellence.  They get very excited in the creative planning stages of something but when it gets down to execution they lose Read more…

Work Life Integration Not Balance

All of us feel like we have too many things to do and not enough time to do them.  We have priorities in many different areas: our career, family, relationships, entertainment, faith and own personal life.  We also fulfill many roles as employees, fathers, husbands, wives, mothers, and friends just Read more…

8 Unrealistic Expectations That Will Ruin You

One of the most significant responsibilities of leadership is the setting and managing of expectations.  If they are unrealistic, no matter how hard your team works you will still fail.  If they are realistic, then everyone feels this is doable and gives their best effort.  This post by Travis Bradberry Read more…

The Value Of Character

Simply put everything you eventually accomplish in life will be based upon you personal leadership DNA.  What you do is based upon who you are. Someone has well said:  ability may get you to the top but it takes character to keep you there.  If you do not believe that Read more…

How To Access Your Peak Performance

The whole idea of time management is a little bit of a misnomer.  You really can’t manage time as much as you can give leadership to how you use it.  The ability to identify what must be done from what should not be done at all is critical.  This Forbes Read more…

Why Do We Fight For What We Don’t Want

This post by Celinne Da Costa is challenging to read and even more dangerous to live.  She is pushing back against living your life by the script that the American Dream culture has handed you.  If indeed we are going to have to fight for something, then why can’t it Read more…

The Real Test Of A Leaders Legacy

In a day when markets and shareholders demand short term rewards for their financial investment it is extremely difficult for leaders to have the courage to lead with the long term as a priority.  The temptation to make easy decisions that will make the leaders bottom line look good today Read more…

Circle of Influence

Several years ago Stephen Covey wrote one of the all time best selling leadership books The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is a book that I have read several times and refer to often. The first habit in the book is to be proactive and take responsibility for Read more…

Don’t Get Surprised By Burnout

This is a painful subject if you have ever had to admit you lost your margin and that you did not know it until the crash occurred.  I have had to put in place some early warning alarms to try to avoid this happening again and again.  This is not Read more…