Don’t Waste A Personal Crisis

In all of our lives we encounter major events that cause us to stop the routine and reevaluate where we are and more importantly where we want to be.  We are all living through one of the most dramatic change points in our lifetime with this election cycle and all Read more…

Finding Real Meaning At Work

Having the right definition of the word success is critical to living a meaningful life.  A significant part of our time is spent at work and if it’s just a paycheck then surely thats not success in anyone’s book.  This Forbes post by Paolo Gallo asks some great questions: “First, Read more…

The Power Of Effective Listening

The key area that is lacking for most leaders as they face the highly participative team dynamics that exist today is people skills.  All executive coaching research clearly points to this reality and most leaders have major blind spots when it comes to this truth and that is why it Read more…

Just Don’t Do It

Just Do It is a phrase that has come to represent the cultural mentality of an entire generation of Americans. The sheer discipline that is represented in those three words has pushed many of us to do things that otherwise we would have walked away from and left undone. In Read more…

Why Is Rinsing Your Cottage Cheese Important

There were many profound conclusions reached by Jim Collins research team that were documented in his bestselling book Good to Great.  The principle of rinsing your cottage cheese received a small amount of space in the book but may be one of the key principles that separate those organizations who Read more…

Your Role As The C.E.O. Of I Incorporated

Many of us have some type of leadership responsibility at work.  We are involved in setting goals, identifying priorities, problem solving and even casting vision.  Over the years we develop a skill set that enables us to do all of these things and more. There is a lot of culture Read more…

7 Benefits Of Spending Intentional Time Alone

The big important idea of today is that connecting with other people is vital in every area of our lives.  We connect through social media with our friends in an almost never ending 24 hour cycle.  Then we connect at work through highly collaborative teams that prioritize relationships.  What is Read more…

How To Maintain The Right Perspective

Ultimately everything we do outwardly is driven by all of our inner attitudes about what is important and what is not.  If our actions are not what they should be we must first change what we believe to be true before we can see bad habits broken and new good Read more…