Developing A Life Plan

All of us at some point in time finally ask ourselves if we are living out the script someone else gave us or is it really the life we want.  There are so many outside factors: parents, friends, culture and circumstances that drive us toward an uncertain destination.  Developing a Read more…

The Self Leadership Secrets Of Extreme Athletes

I am convinced that the greatest leadership challenge you will ever face is the ability to consistently lead yourself.  Leadership theory several years ago would stress identifying your weaknesses and then work on them until they are significantly improved.  Today even though you must be competent in every area, the Read more…

The Key To Personal Productivity In 2017

Stephen Covey pioneered this type of thinking several years ago but it is certainly worth repeating based on the incredible pressures we are all under in the area of time management and productivity.  In a day when it is impossible to do everything that comes our way we must find Read more…

How Coaching Changed My Life

If you need help in making some major decisions in your life coaching may be exactly what you need.  There are many types of coaches available from executive, life, fitness and even spiritual. The one major thing you need to understand about coaching is that it is not counseling or Read more…

Change Your Calendar, Change Your Life

There are two indicators that don’t lie about what our true priorities are in life, calendars and checkbooks.  We have a tremendous amount of leadership responsibility over both areas.  Many times our schedules are driven by others but for most of us we waste a tremendous amount of time doing Read more…

Faith vs. Trust

In the Christian life we are taught from the very beginning the importance that faith plays in our lives.  Without it we cannot know God on a personal relationship level and we cannot reach our potential in this life without putting it into practice every day. Faith allows us to Read more…

Why Gratitude Is So Important In The Workplace

Most of the behavioral issues I deal with in the workplace are because the person I am coaching has lost their perspective.  They focus in on a series of small hurts and dwell on them to the point they become bitter and negative.  In every situation without exception, the key Read more…

The 4 Types Of Ineffective Apologies

I have become an expert over the years at giving a conditional apology.  The first part of the statement of regret is usually close but then comes the rational reason why I did the wrong things.  My motives have also been an ongoing issue, to relive the awkward situation far Read more…