9 Great Paradoxes Of Our Time

In a day when our calendars are beyond full and yet our lives seem to be empty something has gone wrong.  We in many cases have assumed because we are busy the things we are doing must be important. We clearly have shifted the focus from being as a person Read more…

What To Do When You Are Stuck

When some people face dramatic change, they choose to live in denial as if this is not really happening to me.  On the other extreme, others know the change is real to the point of becoming emotionally depressed about their new state of life. The common sometimes fatal result of Read more…

The Importance Of Life Beyond Work

When I start a coaching relationship we normally focus in on some area for professional improvement at work.  This leads to topics from personal productivity to organizational strategy.  However, without exception at some point we transition to the personal.  The reason why is we bring home to work everyday and Read more…

Law Of Harvest

There are many biblical principles taught in scripture and this may be the most important one.  It is foundational to understanding how the Christian life works on a very practical daily level. The simplest way of stating this principle is that you will eventually reap what you sow .  If Read more…

Principle vs. Precept

Any good dictionary will help you know the difference between these two important words.  A precept is a commandment or direction given as a rule of action or conduct.  On the other hand, a principle is a primary truth from which other truths are derived. In Christian speak, a precept Read more…

How To Reach Your Potential

From a personal standpoint one of the things I love doing is hiking.  A hiker is somewhere between a camper and an adventure racer. One of the great advantages of living in the Atlanta area for ten years is the close proximity to the Appalachian trail in the north Georgia Read more…

Families Deserve Priority Not Leftovers

I have never known a great leader who did not know how to establish goals, develop plans, execute priorities and finally evaluate success in their career.  Every day they proactively plan ahead and solve problems to everyone can be successful. However, tragically for most people that is exactly what happens Read more…

The 12 Elements Of Emotional Intelligence

It is absolutely impossible to effectively lead others if you first don’t have the ability to lead yourself.  Knowing yourself, both strengths and weaknesses, is a critical part of this process of being effective.  This post by Daniel Goldman is excellent and will help anyone who wants to improve: We Read more…

Corporate Shepherd

There are many leaders today that want to move beyond just making a profit to really making a difference.  They want to be successful and that’s great but they also want the significance that only comes from adding value to other people. When leadership is approached from a Christian perspective Read more…

How To Know You Are In The Right Job

All of us know the price we pay when we find ourselves working with the wrong people in the wrong place.  In all the research Jim Collins has done he has come to the conviction that what we do in our work in not as important as who we do Read more…