3 Steps To Resolving Conflict

All of us at some point in time will have conflict and disagreements with someone else either in our personal lives or professionally at work.  These situations can be painful at times but seeking resolution is the only way to maintain positive momentum in your life. There are at least Read more…

How To Make Time For What Matters Most

The skill sets involved in personal productivity will ensure that you can get more things done faster.  However, they can not tell you if those things should be done at all.  Everyone really needs to develop a life plan that defines the major priorities in their life.  Michael Hyatt’s Living Read more…

One Day At Time

The Christian life at times can be extremely complicated.  We all suffer from the consequences of our bad decisions but sometimes we suffer not because we have done something wrong but as a testimony to the world that God’s grace is indeed sufficient. I have learned the hard way over Read more…

6 Characteristics Of An Effective Vision

When we think of the word vision we are drawn to a picture of the future of how things can be better than they are in the present.  Most vision casting does a good job of painting a hopeful image of the positive benefits involved but not a very realistic Read more…

How To Deal With Anger In Marriage

Sadly, I know far too much about this subject, especially from the giving end.  When our feelings are hurt we must not stuff inside or dumb our emotions on the other person.  I have built in the discipline to first filter my emotions before I share them.  Then it’s all Read more…

Knowing When Its Time To Quit

As Seth Godin points out we have all heard the expression winners never quit and quitters never win.  In real life that is simply not true because knowing when to quit something that is clearly not working is the secret to winning because it gets you one step closer to Read more…

The Calling Of The Christian

The days of build it and they will come are over for churches.  We may not want to admit it but for most Christians when they talk about church in their minds it’s about what happens at the buildings and not out in the community. We must as leaders move Read more…