What Great Listeners Actually Do

This area is one of my greatest challenges because I am constantly checking out to think about what I want to say instead of really listening.  The only way I can solve this chronic problem is to implement practical action items that force me to stay engaged.  This HBR post Read more…

Don’t Let Your Company Culture Just Happen

There is no doubt that creating company culture is both art and science.  There are certain things you should do and when done repeatedly they will produce the desired results.  However, bad things happen and something must be done to correct it.  This HBR post is very through and effective: Read more…

Toxic Teamwork Making Destructive Comments

One of the hallmarks of leadership in the 21st century is participative team building and problem solving.  We have moved from the old top down decision making model to one that allows and encourages everyone’s involvement in the process. If you are a good leader then you will make sure Read more…

Circle of Influence

Several years ago Stephen Covey wrote one of the all time best selling leadership books The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is a book that I have read several times and refer to often. The first habit in the book is to be proactive and take responsibility for Read more…

The 4 Habits Every Great Leader Needs To Practice

One of the casualties of living in this digital age is the warmth of human relationships.  No, I’m sorry a like on Facebook, or a retweet or even a text message can’t replace being there with the person.  With limited face time leaders have to become extremely effective in connecting Read more…

How Leaders Can Let Go Without Losing Control

The tension today in leadership cultures between direction, collaboration and delegation have never been more confusing.  Only using directive behavior will clearly not work but in some situations it’s the only style that will.  Collaboration is wonderful but not at the expense of too many meetings and no execution.  Delegation Read more…

How Much Is Enough

We are challenged at every level to make sure we are not wasting our time so we can get the right things done.  What we fail to see is that sometimes we set the bar too high and actually do too much and need to dial back our expectations for Read more…

The Greatest Barriers To Growth

I have lived through many leadership life cycles with all different sizes of organizations.  The early days are energized by everyone being involved and quick decision making.  Then as you grow larger processes are put in place to sustain the growth that has occurred.  At some point it time though, Read more…