Ten Unmistakable Signs Of A Toxic Culture

This issue is a really big deal and it’s not only negatively impacting productivity, it’s causing a lot of people to hate coming to work.  They hate it not because of the excessive work load but because of the constant negative drama that consumes everyone daily.  This Forbes post nails Read more…

Five Irrefutable Paradoxes Of Leadership

I grew up in a culture where positional power meant more to your leadership success than the content of your character.  Your education and resume were far more important than relationships.  Finally, the research shows that character is more important than competency.  However, this Forbes posts points out there are Read more…

3 Critical Personnel Qualifications

When hiring any new employee you can ultimately place all of the criteria you are evaluating into the two major categories of character and competency.  In the old days of the Industrial Age model of hiring the priority was given to job competency over personal character. The process was started Read more…

Short Term Thinking Leads Long Term Failure

In sharp contrast to the breakthrough impact of the companies that practiced the flywheel effect all of the organizations that could not transition from Good to Great were caught in The Doom Loop.  Instead of the consistent daily movement of the flywheel they went for the big impact event that Read more…

The 5 Elements Of A Strong Leadership Pipeline

The greatest waste of leadership capacity for any organization is the underutilization and lack of development of key people within their own company.  The key reason in my mind is that these executives are overvaluing delivering results at the expense of not developing the next generation of leaders.  This HBR Read more…

5 Things Strong Leaders Can Handle

Leaders used to draw a lot of significance from being the smartest person in the room with all the answers.  That position allowed them to be more directive in their leadership style because everyone else was there to simply carry out the plan.  Now with such a high value being Read more…

The 5 Phases of Project Planning

One of the most recognized experts in the field of productivity is David Allen.  He is the author of many books but probably is best known for Getting Things Done.  I personally use Nozbe the software developed with his planning strategy as a framework. The reason I like his approach Read more…

8 Powerful Ways To Conquer Stress

Living with almost constant stress seems unavoidable but not letting it ruin your life is attainable.  Stress in and of itself can be a good thing when we can limit the amount and the type.  This Forbes post gives some very practical steps in both reducing and managing stress: “The Read more…