Leadership Is About Promising To Listen Well

We all struggle with the commitments we make either to ourselves about eating a healthier diet or to someone else about something we said we would do and simply forgot. When we want to take our commitment to the next level we start making promises. A promise is defined as Read more…

Finding Real Success In Life

We owe a great deal to several authors who have written excellent books on how to move from success as the primary goal in your life to real significance.  Probably the book Half Time by Bob Buford has made the most life changing impact with people who have worked very Read more…

8 Powerful Ways To Conquer Stress

Living with almost constant stress seems unavoidable but not letting it ruin your life is attainable.  Stress in and of itself can be a good thing when we can limit the amount and the type.  This Forbes post gives some very practical steps in both reducing and managing stress: “The Read more…

Real Change Makes A Difference

Sometimes change is forced upon us when a health crisis comes out of nowhere.  Often as we look back, that health problem really did not suddenly appear because it was there all along.  Paying the price to change now, when you really don’t have to yet, is one of the Read more…

The Value Of Significance In Life

We all need to ask ourselves what we really want out of life.  For many, it is success and all the outward benefits and rewards that come from achievement in the corporate culture of our day. I will never forget an interview that I saw with Tom Brady after he Read more…