What I’ve Learned From Being Fired

There may be nothing more devastating professionally than being fired.  Even thought the situation was highly problematic to work in, there is still a certain finality and rejection in being told you are done.  However, in hindsight without exception, I have eventually moved on to a better place.  This Michael Read more…

Overcome The Fear That’s Holding You Back

A reactive mindset at its core is that circumstances are the reason we are the way we are and not the choices we make everyday.  This lack of ability to proactively lead ourselves creates a fear that paralyzes us and we get stuck in unhealthy places.  This post by Michael Read more…

Developing Leaders For Life

The whole idea behind The Convergence Point my leadership development company is that people will be able to sort through all the noise and activity that is out there and find real meaning and purpose in life.  This means that we really need to know what we want and make Read more…

The Role Of Simple Living In Contentment

We are reminded that we brought nothing into this world and it is certain that we can take nothing out.  So when we leave this life compared to most of the world just having food, shelter and clothing should produce contentment.  This does not mean we should all take a Read more…

How To Make Time For What Matters Most

The skill sets involved in personal productivity will ensure that you can get more things done faster.  However, they can not tell you if those things should be done at all.  Everyone really needs to develop a life plan that defines the major priorities in their life.  Michael Hyatt’s Living Read more…