Why Leaders Have Few Friends

We all know the value of relationships in our lives especially the few we can actually call friends.  For several key reasons it seems the more leadership responsibility we gain the more friends we lose.  I think Carey has some great insight: “You’ve heard it. Probably said it.  It’s lonely Read more…

How To Share Your Faith At Work

One of the hardest things we do as Christians is share our faith.  It becomes extremely challenging at times when we try to do it at work.  For that reason alone and because of all our other fears we just by default don’t do it at all.  The front lines Read more…

Parenting Through Peer Pressure

There is no doubt that every generation faces its own unique set of issues that must be dealt with in a different way.  However, the core issue of how to respond to peer pressure has been a dominant right of passage for every generation.  This is where parents need to Read more…

Daily Disciplines For Success

I have probably tried more crazy ideas over the years to try to improve my performance than I can even remember.  Most of them were fads of the moment and never produced any lasting change.  I have found though the repeated use of less than a handful of daily disciplines Read more…

How To Maximize Today

We spend so much of our emotional energy thinking about the mistakes of the past or worrying about the fears of the future that we routinely miss the gift of today.  I am convinced that our personal and professional success is bound up in the whole idea of maximizing each Read more…

Leaders Don’t Change These Things

We live in a time of constant change and the ability to leverage change may be the single most important responsibility of a leader.  However, there are some things that should never change and you must guard them at all cost.  Mark Miller reminds us of some of those non Read more…

8 Ways To Get Unstuck

There is not a week that goes by that at some point in time I don’t feel stuck.  Sometimes this can build up to the point of a total loss of momentum and even discouragement.  Thats whey its so important to have some clearly defined steps that you can take Read more…