Relational Or Organizational Leadership

The current theory of situational leadership is widely accepted as the best model for any leader who is leading other people within an organization.  However, every leader has a default style that they shift to when the need for situational leadership is not present.  Knowing your style will both help Read more…

8 Characteristics Of Great Teammates

We have all worked at some point in time with both good and bad teams.  Maybe we were the reason they were bad but certainly not in every case.  The things that make for successful teams are well documented within leadership culture.  Brad Lomenick offers some great insight: “Reality is, Read more…

The 5 Biggest Hiring Mistakes

The only thing worse than not having a position filled is to have it filled with the wrong person.  Sometimes people change over time and once great performers no longer are today.  However, the majority of mistakes are made on the front end hiring process and Michael Hyatt has some Read more…

Becoming A Family With Purpose

It always bothers me when I see extremely competent leaders at work and then they somehow morph into totally undisciplined leaders at home.  We can plan multi-million dollar projects but somehow we can’t find a way or the time for a weekly date night.  This is clearly not a matter Read more…

7 Ways To Fight Fatigue As A Leader

Margin is defined as the difference between the demands placed upon your life and your capacity to meet them.  There has never been a time when we have had less margin in every area of our lives.  You must determine what increases your margin and maybe even more importantly what Read more…

Leading From The Middle

This is the position I have found myself in for the last 30 years in leadership.  It can be a very hard place to be because you feel the responsibly to make both your team members and the people you report to successful.  Many times their goals are not in Read more…