3 Forces That Shape Character

According to Jim Collins character is the number one priority in anyone becoming a successful leader.  Its trumps competency hands down and it is something you must work on for continued growth and effectiveness.  Michael Hyatt as usual has some timely tips: “Charisma may be useful in attracting a following, Read more…

Learning How To Follow Up

I am great at starting things and not so good at finishing them.  When working in a team environment I can easily delegate but rarely build in feedback loops to ensure the project will be successful.  Brad Lomenick gives us some very practical tools to resolve this problem: “As all Read more…

The Leaders Need For Humility

The days of strong driven positional leadership are just about over.  Yes, there are still times leaders need to be directive but Jim Collins proved that one of the major character qualities of all great leaders is humility.  John Maxwell has a great post that will be helpful for your Read more…