In the Christian life we are taught from the very beginning the importance that faith plays in our lives. Without it we cannot know God on a personal relationship level and we cannot reach our potential in this life without putting it into practice every day.
Faith allows us to not only believe that God exists but that everything He has promised us in His word is true. Beyond that the core issue is that God is able to do what He has said and there is nothing too hard for Him.
If faith answers the question Is God able then trust answers the question Is God good? Trust goes beyond faith and believes that everything He has asked me to do is not only for His glory but also for my good.
When suffering comes faith will help you to believe that God is able to deliver you out of your trials but trust helps you to rest in the fact that if you are not delivered His grace will still be sufficient.
Most Christians are no longer afraid of what God is going to do to them because they have the complete assurance of their salvation. However, the major problem is that we daily walk in the fear of what God might do with us if we fully surrender our lives to Him.
There is no greater deception for the believer than to fear the One who loves you the most. Yes God is able but far more than that He is also good.